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Upcoming Events

NEW Monthly Program

The Lunch Bunch - More info below. Availability is limited to 30 attendees each month. Ask at the ACC front desk for all the details.

Crab Feed Fundraiser

Feb 22 - SOLD OUT!

Lunch Pickup

$5 lunch pick up
Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday

Click for more info

Monthly Theme Lunch

The special monthly lunch is back. 2nd Friday of the month. Ask for details at the front desk. 

The Lunch Bunch

The Friends of San Carlos ACC are excited to bring together the older adult community and local restaurants with our new Lunch Bunch Program. Every month, the Lunch Bunch will explore a different San Carlos restaurant. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy great food and great company while supporting the local food scene.

This new program addresses the challenge of social isolation and loneliness faced by many older adults. By coming together for a shared meal, the program aims to cultivate meaningful connections, make new friendships and foster a sense of belonging in our community.

Our first stop was Molly O’s on San Carlos Avenue. It was a sold-out affair and a huge success! The Lunch Bunch enjoyed a 3-course meal with non-alcoholic drinks, tax and tip for a set price. A fun time was had by all!

Continue to check at the ACC desk to see which restaurant will be the next one we explore - and bring your buddies!

Latest and Greatest

The San Carlos Adult Community Center is a free independent day use environment for adults 50 and older.  The center is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and hosts a wide variety of opportunities for recreational, social, educational activities. Our programs are designed around the six dimensions of wellness: physical, social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and vocational. Older adults gather to participate in classes, fitness activities, special events, volunteer services and a workout fitness room. They come together socially and share in nutritious meals. Our ACC is considered a valuable resource for seniors and older adults to establish new friendships and continued independence.

The ACC: 650-802-4384

The Friends:

Find us: 

601 Chestnut St  San Carlos, 94070

© 2022 Friends of the San Carlos Adult Community Center a 501(c)(3)

Tax ID 94-3164951

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